Equipping every generation for application and contextualization
You are not called to the ordinary. Whether at home or abroad, you are called to engage and influence the people and spheres of society around you. A DTS is a semester intensive staffed by disciplers, missionaries, and mission mobilizers aimed to mentor and equip you to transform the world around you. YWAM staff and leaders each bring with them years of experience from ministries and societies all over the world with a value of “do first, then teach.” In addition to their experience, working knowledge, and insight, each week of the school involves 16 lecture hours on a life and culture changing subject taught by a world-class guest speaker in that field. But real spiritual formation requires more than just knowledge, so every week students engage in personal discipleship and character growth through worship and prayer, reading and study, work duties, small groups, and relational one-on-one time with their staff. Just as Jesus modeled discipleship, a DTS is a deep and intimate live/learn environment immersed in authenticity and humility. Here, students will be engaged in holistic development and growth, training their mind, body, and spirit to prepare them for life and ministry—whatever and wherever that may be.
12 topical weeks of lectures designed for deep character and broad understanding
Develop a biblical worldview in every sphere of society
Gain insight on church and world history and your place in the story
Discover the biblical and historical model of a missional lifestyle
Practice spiritual disciplines in worship, prayer, fasting, and devotionals
Learn and apply through weekly track focus modules and activities
Train in physical fitness to prepare you for the field and beyond
In the next phase, you’ll take what you’ve learned on campus and apply it during your international outreach. Being doers of the word, not hearers only, is a critical element of spiritual growth and development. “Go” was the final command Jesus gave before He ascended into heaven, was modeled by the apostles and the early church, and has been a defining characteristic of dynamic Christian movements throughout history. This cross-cultural experience is one of the most life-changing elements of the Christian life, particularly for sheltered denizens of modern developed countries. Engaging in nations where the hope of salvation is not known, students will utilize their track focus skills, engage in mercy ministries, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in one of the most strategic and unreached regions of the world, including Europe, North Africa, The Middle East, Central Asia, and Northern India and the Himalayas.
8 weeks on the field
1 week of debrief, re-entry, and then graduation
Guided, hands-on ministry opportunities
Bring the Gospel to unreached peoples
Gain cross-cultural experience
Explore and engage in your gifting and calling
Better understand God’s heart for every nation as well as your own

To Reach and Disciple
Every People and Sphere,
At Home and Abroad.
Discipleship Training School
Fall 2024
September 28th - February 21st, 2025
Lecture Phase: September 28th - December 20th
Outreach Phase: December 21st - February 14th
Start Here... Go Anywhere
Beginnen Sie hier... Gehen Sie überall hin
여기서 시작하세요... 어디든 갈 수 있습니다
Comience aquí... Vaya a cualquier parte
Comece aqui... Vá para qualquer lugar
〰️ Start Here... Go Anywhere 〰️ Beginnen Sie hier... Gehen Sie überall hin 〰️ 여기서 시작하세요... 어디든 갈 수 있습니다 〰️ Comience aquí... Vaya a cualquier parte 〰️ 從這裡開始...去任何地方 〰️ Comece aqui... Vá para qualquer lugar
Lecture Phase: $3,595
Includes room, board, books, & tuition
Outreach Phase: $2,495 + airfare
Includes visas, travel insurance, required vaccinations, and ground fees