
  • Is Seven Peaks the YWAM Headquarters?

    YWAM is a decentralized international organization with thousands of operating locations around the world. Each location may differ in ministry focus but will share the same values and overall structure. Visit for more details.

  • Is YWAM associated with a particular denomination?

    YWAM is an interdenominational missions organization which works with and is comprised of people of diverse church backgrounds.

  • Is YWAM only for young people?

    No, YWAM offers programs for all ages and has staff from every generation.

  • What are the staff requirements for joining YWAM Seven Peaks?

    Everyone in YWAM must have first completed a Discipleship Training School (DTS) prior to applying to join our staff. Part-time volunteers are welcome in many roles however.

  • Do YWAM staff get paid?

    No. YWAM is a movement, and as such is based on volunteerism. Every person in YWAM must raise their own financial support. YWAM Seven Peaks helps set appropriate budget goals and provides some basic training on fundraising, but the individual is responsible for their support levels.

  • Is YWAM Seven Peaks a good place to be trained for overseas missions?

    Yes! Our entire ministry philosophy is centered around the need for 200,000 new missionaries in the most strategic and unreached fields in the Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist world.


  • What is a Mission Builder?

    If you haven’t done a DTS or want to be a full-time YWAM staff member but still want to volunteer and be part of our community, Mission Building might be for you. We welcome skilled tradesman to come and serve on our campus as we work towards remodeling and expanding our ministry dormitories, classrooms and facilities as well as web and digital media assets.


  • What is the time commitment as a Mission Builder?

    These ministry partnerships are project based, so they could be as short as a few weeks, or as long as several months.

  • What is a YWAM Associate?

    An associate is someone who has done a DTS but aren’t looking to staff with YWAM full-time, or someone who is part of another ministry organization or local church but would like to join our community or serve in some capacity. This could be full or part-time but would not be considered YWAM staff or have their support processed by YWAM.


  • What are the qualifications for a DTS or secondary school?

    In order to do a DTS, you must have professed faith in Christ and be 18 years old or have a high school diploma or GED equivalent. For secondary schools, unless otherwise noted, completion of a DTS is required.


  • When is the application deadline?

    We technically do not have a deadline for applications. However, because it takes time to process an application, we suggest that you submit your application well before the start date of the school. Furthermore, please keep in mind that if you are coming from a country other than the United States, there might be a visa process that you would have to go through which first requires an acceptance letter from the school.

  • Do I get college credit for the school?

    Yes. University of the Nations gives 12 credits for the lecture phase and up to 8 credits for the outreach phase. These credits are transferable to select universities around the world.

  • How can I find out the status of my application?

    You can email us or call us with any questions you may have.

  • How long does it take to process my application?

    Typically, applications are processed within 7-10 business days.

  • When are school payments due?

    Lecture phase school fees are due in full upon arrival. Outreach fees are typically due midway through the lecture phase in order to secure group airfare, visas, vaccinations, etc.

  • What might keep me from being accepted?

    We carefully and prayerfully consider every application to see if this is the best time and place for each applicant, and we reserve the right to deny applicants when we're uncertain it's the right fit. For example, if you are currently using illegal drugs, a DTS might not be the best place for you as we may not be equipped to walk you through the rehabilitation process as well as some other ministries might be. Aso, if your grasp of the English language is not fluent enough for you to speak, read, and write easily, then participating in a school here will be challenging.

  • Can I do a school if I’m married and/or have kids?

    YWAM is made up of families. It is very important for husbands and wives to do a school together. The DTS deals with heart changes, so it's best for the marriage that spouses work through things together. Contact our admissions office for information on what will best suit your family - a nanny, local schools or local daycare options.

  • Do I need a passport?

    Yes. If you do not already have a passport, please apply for one and have it in hand before leaving your home to come to YWAM for the DTS or another training program.

  • Do I need to have health insurance?

    Yes, you need to have insurance. If you are no longer a dependent covered by your parents’ insurance, be sure to have your own policy prior to arriving. We provide travel insurance for all students for the outreach portion of the school.

  • I am not from the US. How do I get a visa to come to YWAM Seven Peaks?

    Once accepted, you will be given all the paperwork to apply for a visa necessary to participate in our school. This is not a guarantee that you will be granted the visa however as some countries' citizens have a more difficult time obtaining US visas than others.

  • I have a special health need, can I still do a training school?

    It is imperative that you make us aware of any medical conditions, food allergies, etc., you may have so that we can do our best to work with you. If you have a condition that precludes you from leaving the country, we would try to work out an in-country outreach so you can still finish your DTS or other secondary school.

  • Am I required to live in YWAM housing during my school?

    Yes, as part of the live/learn curriculum, you are required to live on campus for the duration of your lecture phase. If you have friends or family living nearby, you are more than welcome to visit them. Some exceptions might be made for families doing schools based on the family's needs.

  • Can I work while doing a training school at YWAM Seven Peaks?

    No. As a student, you have a full-time schedule. Of course, there are free weekends and some evenings, but we want these training schools to be a time set apart for growth and development for you. Adding an outside job into the mix would hinder you from that goal.

  • Is the outreach phase of a school required?

    Yes, in order to either earn any credits for the DTS or move forward in YWAM, you must complete the outreach. Secondary schools vary from school to school, but for the most part, it is best to go on outreach with your class. If you have concerns about being able to go on outreach, please communicate that with our Admissions Office when or before you apply.

  • Where will I go on outreach?

    Typically the exact location(s) of outreaches are presented during the lecture phase of the school. However, in general, you should expect to go to a location within the Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist world in North Africa, The Middle East, Central Asia, Northern India & the Himalayas, and China.

  • What will I be doing on outreach?

    This will depend on where you go on outreach. In general, your outreach will consist of evangelism and mercy ministries, as well as team times. Evangelism can look like preaching in a church to doing street evangelism, to distributing bibles; mercy ministries can be anything from building homes to hosting medical clinics. You’ll have many different opportunities on outreach to share the love of Jesus with the people you meet, and to put into practice the things you’ve learned in the lecture phase.

  • What is the cost of the outreach phase?

    Outreach costs range from $3,000-5,000 USD. The final cost of your outreach will depend on where you will be going, the current airfare prices, as well as the food and housing expense while in country.

  • What should I pack?

    For most students, the following list of items should be packed and brought with you or else purchased once you arrive if you have your own transportation: Twin size bedding and pillow, towel, toiletries, insect repellent, sunscreen, modest clothing, notebook, pens, laptop/personal electronics, hiking backpack or suitcase, and a passport.