Reach. We are commanded to go into all the world preaching the Gospel to all creation. For the first time in history, the Church has the opportunity to finish the task in this season.
Disciple. The redemption of all people and all things requires the ways of God to be taught as well as the knowledge of God.
People. From the rebellion recorded at Babel to the redemption promised in Revelation, the Biblical narrative makes it clear that on the heart of the Father is every people, nation, tribe, and tongue.
Sphere. Every society is comprised of 7 spheres of influence: Celebration (sports, arts, & entertainment), Economics (business, science, & technology), Education, Family, Government, Media, and Religion. These spheres both shape and reflect the values of the people in that society. These too must be redeemed and brought into alignment with God’s ways to see peace, love, joy, wholeness, prosperity, and justice on the earth.
Home. We are blessed to be a blessing, so we seek the peace, stability, and prosperity of our land not for our sake, but for those around us. We must preserve and steward our flame so that we can ignite others.
Abroad. All of the world’s 17,426 people groups and 197 countries must be redeemed, but not all are equally in need. The 7 most strategic fields of the world today are America, Europe, North Africa, The Middle East, Central Asia, Northern India & the Himalayas, and China. By marshalling the strongholds of Christianity and mobilizing them to the strategic frontiers, we can reach the rest and complete the Great commission in this generation.
Reach & Disciple are the action (what) of our mission, People & Sphere are the target (who) of our mission, while Home & Abroad are the locations (where) of our mission. All of our ministries and initiatives can and should be explained and understood within this paradigm of three pairs of focus. The “why” of our mission lies in the command of God to “Go” as well as an understanding of the unprecedented historical season we are living in.
YWAM Seven Peaks is a community which serves as a spiritual formation, leadership development, and missions training center. Our heart is to disciple people from the 7 spheres of society and equip them to reach the 7 most strategic mission fields of the 21st Century. We draw upon Celtic expressions and elements of the church to enable us to be effective in an increasingly post-Christian society, using history as our guide for an uncertain future. YWAM Seven Peaks partners with many church networks, denominations, international ministries, and other YWAM bases around the world to accomplish the vision that God has given us.
Youth With A Mission, also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), is an international, interdenominational, faith-based missions movement of believers from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the entire world. We are united by a common purpose: To Know God And To Make Him Known.
Loren and Darlene Cunningham founded YWAM in 1960. Their main focus was to get young people involved in short-term and long-term missions again. Though the historical norm in much of church history, in the mid-20th Century this was a novel and rather revolutionary idea. Today, YWAM's focus is still on youth, but we have YWAMers of all ages—from pre-schoolers to great-grandparents in their 90's—as scripture emphasizes the importance of a multi-generational church and the role of elders to equip and mentor tomorrow's leaders. YWAM is one of the world’s largest missions movements and currently works in more than 1,100 locations in over 180 countries with more than 25,000 staff from over 130 countries.