SENSATE MAN: Science, Sex, and Societal Collapse
A civilization engulfed by materialism will consequently be enraptured by humanism and hedonism and will eventually end in catastrophism
THE GOSPEL: An Overview of the Great Commission
The purpose and progress of the Gospel, from Christ’s generation to ours.
CRITICAL MASS: The Cultural Shift Toward Critical Theory & Neo Marxism
Academia has been overrun by asinine activists, society is following suit, and the Church is trying to be relevant rather than righteous
CHE VS. J: Socialism & Christianity
Jesus was a revolutionary, but not a socialist as He gave the responsibility of caring for people to the sphere of family and religion, not government.
BY THE SWORD: The Moral Use of Deadly Force
Biblical justice cannot be upheld without the threat of, or use of the sword
BIBLICAL BORDERS: National Sovereignty & Immigration
Conflating biblical instruction for individuals and government leads to contorted conclusions divorced from historical context
The clear and present moral and societal consequences of abortion
ISSUES OF CONSCIENCE: When Sin Seems Uncertain
How to identify, navigate, and honor personal and cultural definitions of sin