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We all yearn to be known, to belong, and to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. These innate human desires drive us to seek kindred spirits, form families and tribes, and build civilizations. But now we’ve become victims of our own success, our society is in crisis, and our culture is producing a generation disconnected from the spiritual, theological, emotional, sociological, and intellectual truths which have sustained humanity for millennia. Seven Peaks is a missional community based upon the biblical and historical discipleship model where people of every generation and sphere of influence live and learn together, then are sent out into a lost and broken world with love, hope, faith, and the biblical foundations and practical tools to redeem lives and rebuild communities.


Our training programs aim to equip Christians to serve others and to live missional lives for the Kingdom—either at home or overseas. Seven Peak’s foundational course, which serves as the prerequisite for all other training programs in YWAM, is the Discipleship Training School. Whether you feel called to revival and reformation in America, sending, going to the field, mobilizing, becoming YWAM staff, or taking a gap year, the DTS is your next step.